Times UP!!!!
The winner will be drawn using the Random Number Generator
and Announced Monday August 3rd.....Good Luck!
This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Pantene Full & Thick
Although my daughter did recently tell me that 50 is the new 40 - making 40 the new 30 - I'm still not real comfortable with the idea of not being a spring chicken. I'm doing some things to combat it, trying to make lifestyle changes to make the process less tiring, and some things to make it less noticeable; what I'm not really doing is anything to reverse the signs of aging...except when it comes to my hair.
I get that grey hair can be colored (which I'm not doing yet) and I'm still ticked off that I can have pimples and grey hair at the same time; what I wasn't ready for is the other things aging & hypothyroidism have done to my hair.
I have always had a full head of fine hair. Fine hair I could deal with as long as it looked good, had a nice texture and was manageable. Never the master of my hair I have always had "help" along the way from various products, friends and more than occasional stylist intervention. Sure, I have had more than my fair share of bad hair days so I was certain that as I aged the cosmos would balance themselves out and I would be one of those really lucky people whose hair got better with age. I was, quite apparently, wrong.

Over the last year things have changed; my fine hair has gone through a texture change, it is not naturally lustrous anymore, it has thinned, and there are these wild looking wiry grey hairs popping out everywhere. The hardest things to take have been the changes in texture and the thinning so when I was approached by Pantene to try their Full & Thick Shampoo and Conditioner I was immediately on board.... and it's working.
Sure, I still have those wiry grey hairs popping out here and there, but I really feel like my hair has a better texture, I know for a fact that the thinning has slowed considerably, and I might even refrain from calling my hair fine for the first time ever.
After just 2 weeks of use - I'm sold.
So - I bet you're wondering about that contest I may have mentioned up there....
The wonderful people at Pantene are giving away A $100 Visa gift card AND a year-long supply of Pantene (ARV $47.88) to one of my lucky readers.
To enter, leave me a comment below and telling me
what was your worst hair day ever-
(or you can blog your worst hair day and leave a link to your post in the comments below)
The contest will begins at 9:00 a.m. (PST) July 1, 2009 and will end 5:00 p.m. (PST) August 1, 2009. Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct.
- No duplicate comments.
- You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
- You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
- This giveaway is open to US residents, aged 18 and over
- Winners will be selected via random draw, using the Random Number Generator, and will notified by e-mail.
- You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
I don't suppose it's fair that I demand you tell me about your worst hair day without going first....I have so many to choose from.....the poodle perm in high school comes immediately to mind (when I was hoping for one of those really neat perms that were all the rage in the 80's)...I'll go more recent....something fresher....
Eleven years ago my company decided to make some major changes and, as part of the changes, every employee was to have new head shot taken and be part of the great big company photo. Given my history of bad photos I was paralyzed with fear and rightfully so. as the details of this photo shoot unfolded.
The morning of the big shoot I spent a lot of time and used a lot of "product" in hopes of taming and keeping calm my hair in the overwhelming July humidity. Knowing I would be outside for only minutes (from house to car and from car to office) wasn't comforting, my hair only needed seconds to stage a rebellion.
I went heavier than I typically would with products and I sprayed my hair within an inch of it's life (my apologies to the ozone I had no idea). I dressed carefully, even requiring assistance to get my sweater over my head without disturbing the hair that had taken an hour to shellac, and braved the elements.
The first phase of my trip wasn't too bad, the humidity was shockingly high but my hair managed to stay calm and I appeared well kept. I know because I checked my hair and make-up obsessively as I navigated through heavy traffic. During the drive I began to sweat from nerves and anxiety over my hair....so I turned the A/C on full blast and pointed all the vents directly at my fact to reduce the chance of my make-up running down my face.
And then the worst thing ever happened; it started to rain and I had left my umbrella at home.
Despite my usual "no running" policy I ran from my car to the office door, but all my effort was futile. I arrived looking like a drowned rat and had no hope of restoring what had been. I tried to comb out my hair in an attempt to look somewhat presentable but all of the product I had used that morning began to reacting against each other and started making these little white balls of goo all over in my hair, not even a ponytail made things okay.
The look was so awful HR offered to reschedule my head shot for a different day - but the big company photo, well that lives on.
Fortunately I won't be having these kinds of hair days anymore, all I have to do is figure out why I keep getting pimples... I bet it can be blamed on stress from the teenagers.
Don't Forget to enter, leave me a comment below and tell me
what was your worst hair day ever-
and you don't have to be as wordy as I am....that's just my personality....
You also have Check out the rest of the BlogHer reviews for 8 additional chances to win!
1 – 200 of 381 Newer› Newest»What does it mean that I'm not remembering a worst hair day ever? :) I've never even had a memorably bad perm or haircut. Nope, sorry, there's only room for me in my little bubble. ;)
I have a ton of bad hair days. The worse was when I ended up looking like a german shepard. I had dyed my hair black. A couple months later I decided to get it cut short. My friend said it looked fake black. We bought blonde hair dye to lighten it. The black stayed black and the part that had grown out turned blonde! It was horrible!!! I had to spend a couple hundred dollars getting it fixed!
My worst "bad hair day" was when I was a sophomore, and went to get my then-short hair styled before a school formal dance. When the stylist was finished, I looked at my hair and thought it looked old-fashioned. Think Rue McLachlan. I was so unhappy that I nearly cried in the salon! Everyone insisted that it looked fine, but they were being nice. : )
I normally have shoulder length hair. My worst hair day was when I was hormonal and emotional and I went to my stylist and told her to give me the Meg Ryan style from You've Got Mail.
She did.
And I cried.
And cried until it grew out months and months later. It was horrid. There are no pictures of me from that time.
samanthajocampen at gmail dot com
I tweeted:
samanthajocampen at gmail dot com
Well, let's see... The poodle perm was bad, but I think almost everyone that lived through the late 70's or 80's experienced that at one time or another.
I think think the worst, for me, what when I had a minor car accident, hitting my head on the steering wheel and requiring a few stitches. I was about 25, my hair was bleached blond (I'm a brunette) and down to the middle of my back.
They shaved a 2" square spot off the top of my head to do the 3 or 4 stitches required, then told me I wouldn't be able to bleach my hair for several months. So, I not only had a 2" square block of hair growing back in, I also had my natural color growing back.
As soon as the hair and color grew out enough, I got it cut quite short and permed. No one recognized me the next day! The poodle perm happened right after that, but that's another story. :)
katieliz11 at aol dot com
How about a bad hair YEAR? I'm chinese, and in the 80s, I permed it so that I'd have curly hair. Well, it frizzed and curled and looked like I had an afro. I lived with it until it grew out because, well, it was the 80s, and I kinda liked it at the time. The photos are SO embarrassing now, though!
About 6 months ago I had shoulder blade length hair. I went into a new stylist that got so excited at the sight of my french braid and the words "short cut" that he didn't listen to a word after. I was thinking ear/chin length - I got a pixie cut! With extra long bangs that wrapped around my chin!
You can see the pictures here: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/lH3cALuLi9tgdnGn5qi4mQ?feat=directlink
Wow. I have had a few bad hair moments, though they were mostly bad for the people who had to look at it.
When I didn't make the swim team in college, I decided to dye my hair blue black from a box. That look was pretty fake, but I had naturally blond hair (think ash blonde), and I was still swimming at the pool nearly every day. As my hair grew out, I got a white blonde skunk streak! I didn't really care, but I got a ton of comments about it at the women's college I attended!
My worst hair day was when a friend of mine talked me into getting a perm with her. I hadn't planned on it and as it turns out I should have gone with my gut feel and said no. But I went ahead and got the perm.
When I saw my boyfriend later that night and asked him what he thought he said I looked like a poodle. LOL Sadly, he was right! I was suppose to have big, fat curls not tight little curls that looked like they belonged on a dog.
Eventually the curls loosened as my hair grew and 20+ years later I have yet to get another perm. And the boyfriend became the husband. :)
Worst Hair Day? Well, it would be worst days because of the dreaded perm...until I got the combo of hair length, cut, and style of perm right (when I used to get perms), I would have too short (triangle hair!) poodle hair.
Interestingly enough, now that I no longer get perms, I have a little natural wave that I can coax out of my hair when it's wet. Though I still fight the frizzies (and thinness!)
Worst hair day? Try worst hair MONTHS. I always had long hair when I was younger, but on a trip to the hair salon, my mom and I decided I would get it cut short. Well, it ended up being WAY shorter than either of us had planned. My family and I went on a cruise shortly after getting my hair cut, and on SEVERAL occasions, I was mistaken for a boy. Even now, years later, I'm still bothered by it!
During my freshman year of high school, I attempted the whole self haircut thing and ended up with this freakish looking undercut. That was actually kind of a bad hair year.
lol, i love this question!! Well, i am a natural white blonde gal. I decided just before our 13th wedding anniversary that i wanted a black cherry hair color (why, i do not really remember) but i knew nothing about hair color, etc. So on my own one morning i decided to do this. I found out very quickly that black cherry on white blonde makes magenta...seriously. My daughter walked on as i was beginning to sinse and thought my head was bleeding! I had to go to work immediately afterwards ( i worked for the airlines, luckily behind the scenes on the phones) and directly after work my hubby and i were catching a red eye flight to cali for our 13th wedding renewal in vegas with a cali side trip. At work the girls sitting around me had to keep explaining to clients on the phone why they were laughing. They said every time they looked at me they couldn't help it. A 60 year old lady i worked with actually swore asking me "what the H*** were you thinking?", i had never heard her curse...picture fay from the show Wings...her twin, and from nantucket as well! The hair worked for the trip, I had the Lucielle Ball double stalking me through the amusement park, and our wedding was the Gothic graveyard so the hair fit in well with the black renaissance dress, etc ( have you seen the A&E wacky vegas wedding show... that was us!) But it took awhile to fade out some and then it made a great base to get the correct color. But this was quite the experience for a 30 something girl who had never before colored her hair! smile
My worst hair day was traumatic, and coincided with the worst bridesmaid dress ever. Some loon of a stylist was paid good money to make some french braid meets crunchy french bread monstrosity basket woven pile-up on my head complete with tucked in tiny blue flowers. It looked like a nest of insane birds, and it felt like two beagles were fighting for dominance on top of my head. It took all the next day snd a bottle of olive oil to get all of the ratting out of it. Oh. My. God. I'm traumatized remembering it.
Hairstylist who had never given me a perm + hair that evidently *loves* and *absorbs* perm chemicals + the full time on the clock = POODLE DO!
The crap about not washing your hair for two days after a perm or the perm will wash out? Not in my case.
I even bought relaxer. No go.
Luckily, my hair grows pretty fast and I only had to suffer with it for a few weeks.
In retrospect, my worst hair day ever lasted about 2 years, between ages 12-13, when I sported the worst mullet haircut ever. I can't believe I ever thought that it looked cool!
I tweeted:
After spending a long afternoon getting a spiral wrap perm on my long hair with a new stylist (what? They were expensive and I had a coupon), the stylist set me up with her son. While the hair didn't bother me at the time I now think of that disastrous date--he drove a monster truck, which wasn't my cup of tea.
I went in to have my hair/make up done for a photo shoot. My hair doesn't hold curl particularly well but I wanted curls for the shoot. Nice big sexy curls.
So the stylist put product on my hair and wrapped it up in hot rollers. While we waited on my hair, my make up was done. Finally they pulled the rollers out and the curls looked pretty awesome. I knew we'd only have a short window of opportunity but at least I'd have one.
Right until the stylist swept my hair back in her hands and ran a pick through it. Anyone else--this would have fluffed out the curls. Me...yeah, the curls fell and I was back to almost completely straight hair.
Watching her jaw hit the floor almost made up for it...but I was super pissed.
My worst hair day involved my foolishly dropping in for a haircut at the mall. I don't remember the name of the salon, but although I explained carefully to the "stylist" that she MUST start at my double cowlick or there would be trouble she stubbornly started in the front. It went from bad to worse and from short to shorter trying to get it to work. The owner agreed it was bad - then tried to get me to pay up anyway and take a coupon to get it redone there at a later date. I stood out in the mall and yelled at her until she let me go without paying. Coupon indeed.
Worst hair day ever...how about a whole decade - 80's poodle perms. Thank heavens those days are over!
My hair was long almost down to my butt I went to get my hair cut, I wanted the layered look. What I got was the boy cut and a bag of my hair from the floor. Looked like she stuck a bowl on my head and cut around. I was 16. I cried for a month.
To top it off I had horrible fly away air now. Static cling I looked like the Firestarter.
I tweet
My worst hair day ever was a couple of months ago. I really needed a good cut - not a trim. I told the stylist (whom I've been using for a year or so) what I wanted. I started to get concerned when I saw how short she was going around the ears. I do have short hair and I like it that way, but at the end, I touched the back of my head and the hair there felt like a stuffed animal's plush, except more prickly.
I went home and cried. Repeatedly.
My worst hair day ever actually went on way too long because I neglected to take a good, long, look in the mirror. What started as a few well-placed highlights done by someone competent morphed into an all-over blonde dye job done by someone far less talented. It wasn't until someone took pictures that I realized that my hair was orange. Really, nasty orange. I made an appointment at a pricey salon to have it dyed back to my natural brown and at dinner that night my grandparents were so relieved that I'd finally fixed it that they paid for the dye job.
I think I can be forgiven for this mistake because I was only 19.
My worst hair day ever?
In 9th grade, my two best friends wanted to fix my hair on the way to school. We were bored, and it was a long drive from our rural homes, so I said ok. What started with (I hope) good intentions ended with my friends refusing to give me a mirror to show me what they'd done. All I knew was that that was a lot of hairspray they were using, and they seemed to be teasing my hair a bit more than necessary.
When we got to school, I looked in the mirror on the bus. Lo and behold, a skinny white blonde girl with the biggest, stupidest afro ever. I didn't talk to them for several days, but it's hilarious to me now! Never should have trusted those two. Now, I'm off to find them on Facebook and remind them of what they did to me. Maybe it'll score me an extra sweet b-day card this year!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Spoodles/status/2502096601
Blogged here: http://spoodles.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/pantene-giveaway/
One night I woke up in the middle of the night and my eye was itching SO badly and I scratched it to death. The next morning I woke up just in time to shower, do my hair, and get to class. However, when I looked in the mirror, my eye was swollen COMPLETELY shut, which really through a wrench in my plans. I was mortified that I would have to attend class with a swollen shut eye so I tried to sweep and pin my hair in such a way that it covered the eye. I couldn't put on makeup and my hair made the situation 10000 times worse! Looking back it's comedy, but at the time I couldn't imagine a thing worse.
Ah...I remember it well! It was back in the 70's and frosted hair was all the rage. Well, the ads on tv said it was so easy your husband could do it!(What was I thinking, right?) So he did...and pulled almost all my hair through the cap. So I had really dark roots and bleach blond hair. It was horrible! And back then you were told that you had to wait 6 weeks to do it again! He's still not forgiven! ;-)
hondaray6 at hotmail dot com
I tweeted:
You know, I never realize how terrible my hair is until after the fact. I was going through pictures of me and my friends in college, and came across one where my haircut looks like flippin' Julius Ceasar! This was 1998! It also didn't help that I was dying my hair this strange carrot orange color. Why do friends allow each other to do such nonsense?
My worst hair day ever was when I was in 4th grade. SERIOUSLY I remember. It was the height of the 80s hair and the very night before picture day I got a perm...... I had full on poodle touched the light socket hair. Mom made me go to school so now I have a pic that captures it lol. Great contest!
My worst hair day was in grade school when my dad had to get me ready for school. Of course, he didn't know how to fix hair. I remember being in the bathroom at school, wetting my hair in the sink, and trying to get it to look decent.
courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com
I went to get a cut and perm. They cut my hair too short and burnt my hair to boot. I was so mortified I didn't want to go to school.
My worst hair day was in 9th grade when I thought it would be cool to shave the back of my neck...me and the razor went a bit too far!
cat at 3kidsandus dot com
Funny entries :)
My worst hair day was for Junior Prom, my hair stylist was really out of it that day or something. When I looked in the mirror my hair was pink, I couldn't believe it. I still went to prom and was the laughingstock hehe!
Blogged about it :) http://beenamommy.blogspot.com/2009/07/pantene-full-thick-100-visa-gc-year.html
I do believe that Pantene is effective for different types of hair, but my worse hair day was going to my hairdresser a few days before traveling out of town. She convinced me to try finger waves where my hair from the front of my head is slicked with gel to my scalp and waved in patterns to the back of my head. When she finished i looked in the mirror and almost screamed because i looked completely bald headed and my face looked so round like a pigs!
My worst hair day came on 1.) A day I didn't have any of my regular shampoo left (which happens to be Pantene!), 2.) It was muggy outside, 3.) I had to walk to work (three blocks, but still) and 4.) It was hotter than heck in my office. Just imagine that, if you will.
kkondek at gmail.com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/ktkatherine/status/2624418629
kkondek at gmail.com
My worst hair incident was getting a perm from my neighbor. She left the chemicals on a little too long and my hair looked terrible. It dried out and I looked like a demented clown.
tweeted http://twitter.com/carogonza/status/2625477283
It was the dreaded day: school pictures. I wasn't feeling well and made the mistake of eating a donut. I got there early to help out and suddenly started running toward the door... I knew I was about to get sick. I didn't make it very far, however, and I definitely was sick... all over my hair. One side is dry in my picture and one is wet from frantically trying to get regurgitated donut out of it.
(yeah, I know that was disgusting hahaha)
clarissa at digitaldeacons dot com
I have fine light colored hair which certainly can use all the help thick and rich shampoos can give it. However nice its styled, a little rain and its flat to my head which had given me many a bad hair situation.
My worst hair day ever is when my hair broke the comb at the salon when the stylist attempted to comb through my hair. I was so embarrassed. I decided after that event that a relaxer was a must.
Worst hair day I can think of a couple but the worst was when I was in a wedding and the bride wanted everyones hair in an updo.
First the style was straight back with little curls on the back of my head, it looked really stupid and the worst part was we were all in baby pink satin dresses with bows all over it.
Needless to say the first thing I did when I got home was to was to stick my head under the sink and get all the stuff out of my hair. Oh by the way I left the dress at the brides house.
Growing up I considered most days, bad hair days. I have naturally wavy/curly hair and growing up in the 60s when straight was in really sucked. I guess the worst was my high school photo. I've always hated it. Now that I'm older, I've learned that natural curl isn't so bad.
i think my entire highschool career was one big bad hair day. In college i started getting highlights and dying my hair well actually having friends do it for me. I ended up 12 different shades of blonde this one time and had a weird honeycombish type pattern in the back with green spots. Oh it was hideous. That was the day i stopped going blonde and have stayed shades of brown or alburn since
My worst hair day was one day when I BURNED my bangs to a crips with the curling iron.
tuesdayef at aol dot com
My worst hair day involved taking a bath in this skin conditioning product and inadvertently getting my hair in the water and then not washing it.
When I went out later that day within a few short hours my hair looked like I hadn't taken care of hygiene necessities for weeks.
Worst hair day ever was definitely third grade photo retakes. The first picture I took was fabulous, my mom had gone into work late just to help me make my hair look fabulous. Unfortunately, I blinked at the wrong time, so...retakes. Which I forgot to mention. But hey, I figured I was there when my mom did my hair the first time, I knew how to comb it down and put some barrettes in it. Unfortunately I didn't know much about hair products, and humidity. And good wardrobe choices. And checking yourself in the mirror before taking pictures. Ah, youth! The resulting poofy-haired frizzball image has haunted me ever since. The bright side is that I got it over with early in life. Even if I can't ferrett out the last of those blackmail photos.
My very worst hair day--I tried highlighting my hair by myself.
The highlights were so uneven in color and distribution.
My hair looked so horrible that I wore a cap everywhere until I could fix it.
No more highlighting for me!
worst bad hair day...9th grade photos.Tight jelly roll curl all around including the bangs.gives me nightmares just remembering it. Hope I never see it again :lol
OMG my worst hair day ever was when I was in High School and my Grandmother gave me a perm. I looked like Lionel Richie (nothing against him) but it was awful. My mean ole Mom made me go to school because I let my grandma touch my hair. I went that night to get it relaxed three times and then it looked pretty good. After that all the kids at school called me Lionel for weeks.
I tweeted
My worst hair day...hmmm...there are so many to choose from...I know which one my husband would choose...During the first year we were married, one day I had just returned home from getting my hair cut, took a shower to get all the loose, itchy hair off of me, and then started styling it. My husband got home and I told him I would be out in a minute, making some last minute touch ups. I opened the door and he said, "Well, I'd like it if it was fixed." Um...it WAS fixed. I cried the rest of the night.
I've had many a bad hair day but the very first happened when I was 5. I had gotten gum in my hair and just knew I'd be in trouble. So a plan formed in my 5 year old brain. I can get that gum out myself. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a chef's knife and went back into the bathroom. I cut that wad of gum out of my hair along with a good portion of the front half of my hair. No more gum!
so decided to go ahead and dye my hair blond about 6 months ago...went to the store and bought the color ( trying to save some $ by doing it myself ) and went home and "following directions" put the color on. after waiting 15 Min . , i washing it out and trying to figure out why the water looked kinda red ? ... after i was done i looked in the mirror and about had a Heart attack - my hair had a weird orange color :0 I looked at the hair color box and it said - small reading - Henna !!!! never again i try to color my hair myself !!!
The day before hs grad photos I got a very dramatic hair cut. If I had a few days to play with it and learn how to do it, I might have been okay. I looked HORRIBLE in my senior pics. I cried!
lets see having long hair and going thru chemo and then the knotty balls- or the day I decided to try a sample of shampoo and it friend the crap out of my hair who knows why but it dried and broke it to crap
My worst hair day was on the day my son got married.
I had had my hair cut and styled the day before, and woke up to a head that looked like Raggedy Ann.
I hurriedly bought a hat on the way to the wedding.
My worst hair day ever was when a relative gave me what was supposed to be a spiral perm when I was 12. She wasn't even a stylist. She just figured it couldn't be hard and talked my mom into letting her do it. What a disaster!
Unfortunately I've had lots of bad hair days and I think I look even worse in any kind of hat/cap to cover it up. It's a toss up between a perm that was so tight I felt like a Qtip or my hair was so flat, I almost felt bald. I felt very unattractive both times.
My worst day was the day I turned my hair purple. Thanks
When I was 20 I put tons of peroxide on my hair and lightened it in the sun. Then as it grew out I had half light brown and half dark brown hair.
I let a friend put my hair in tiny braids, and when I took them out, I tried to use a brush on it. wow.
I was 14 and I went to have my hair TRIMMED and the lady cut off 6 inches of my hair, leaving me with extremely short hair. I cried for days.
when i was seventeen my mother thought i need highlights, she did it herself and when she removed the protective cap my whole head was bleached blonde. horrified she went to the drug store and got ash blonde hair color which turned my hair orange. bad bad day
Worst hair day ever was coloring my hair reddish brown and having it come out carrot orange. I thought I was going to freak out. Thank heaven, my hairdresser came to the rescue.
thank you
The worst was when I decided my hair was too damaged and cut it short, then realized any wave I had was not in the hair anymore, and realized how flat it was. I couldn't wait for it to grow out!
bad too curly perm that broke hair off at roots....ewww and I was in high school !!
My worst hairday ever was when I went to get a haircut at the mall. I told her I just want a wash and go type of pixie. I ended up with some weird buffont hair and I just left thinking I could fix it. My dog didn't even recognize me. I haven't had anyone cut my hair since and that cut took awhile to fix itself.
My worst hair day was when my regular stylist was out sick and I let someone else cut my hair. The woman did an terrible job. I was trying to grow my hair long and she didn't understand me and before I knew it, she had cut my hair short. I was so heartbroken.
Worst hair day? Yikes. If it gets that bad, I tend to throw it back in a ponytail. I think when I had it cut SUPER short.
My worst hair day ever was June of last year. My already fine but course hair was always a challenge. It curls easily but in any humidity I lose the curls just as easy. It was our son's wedding day and about 85 degrees with humidity easily into the 70ish range. My hair was put up on the sides and top but the back was left down to hang in a nice cascade of curls. I'm not sure how long the curls lasted...15 minutes...30 minutes... but wedding photos show the after ceremony pics I already had straight, course ugly hair where just an hour prior I had beautiful curls. I have not one wedding photo with my son and our new daughter-in-law where I didn't ruin the picture with this hair.
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
tweeted here (bloggyfinds):
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
blogged this giveaway here:
jeanilynne at gmail dot com
I would have to say I overslept for work onday & I truely need to take a shower in the morning or I wake up looking like a nightmare, well that morning I didn't shower....what a nightmare!!!
Thanks for the GREAT giveaway!
Could you imagine you are going to a prom and you go to a hair stylist and she cuts your hair so short that you begin to go into shock and disbelief of what you see in front of your eyes and on a special day? Yes that happened to me. Had to go buy a wig to hide the hideousness of the style.
short on cash, went to a school and allowed student to cut and perm my hair for a big wedding I was going to. Suppose to be loose waves, ended up with tight, poodle head instead. I hate those pictures from that wedding.
once singed my hair off when lighting a gas grill with a match
My worst hair day ever was when I went dirt biking and my long hair (down to my rear end) got so knotted I couldn't even pull a brush a half inch down from my scalp. It took myself and two friends almost three hours with brushes and several bottles of detangler to get my hair under control. Talk about painful!!
unless I spend 32 hours straight in the bathroom worken on it most of my days are bad hair days
I let a girlfriend trim my bangs. It was so uneven I had to find a salon asap.
My first perm ever was one of those tight perms in the 70's. It burned my neck, too! My dad wasn't so happy about the whole situation.
My worst hair day ever was when I tried to get the blond out of my hair so I could dye it brown. I bought a special kit to get the blond out but instead it turned it yellow, orange, and green on the ends of my hair. I threw on a hat and rushed to Walmart to get the first brown hair dye that I could find. I used it and it turned my hair jet black. My friends nicknamed me "goth girl" for weeks because of my black hair. It was so embarrassing since I'm so outgoing and not in any way a goth girl.
My worst hair day ever was when I went on an important job interview. My hair just clung to my head with static (it was winter) so I ended up wearing a wig!
My worst hair day ever was when I was really young and my mom gave me a fe-mullet. It was a tough couple of months...
my worst hair day was going to a new stylist whom I'd never been to before - worst haircut of my life -
i've never forgotten it!
I dyed my hair when I was younger and didn't think that the "warmer" and "cooler" tones indicated on the boxes mattered. So I picked a color I thought looked nice and tried it out - yikes! I ended up turning my hair a lovely shade of bright orange, and I had a job interview the next day! :::Facepalm::: redstar720[at]aol[dot]com
My worst hair day happened just recently. I was staining the deck on the rental house, and I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to what I was doing, because the next morning after my shower I couldn't run a comb through my hair. I finally figured out that I had several spots of stain in my hair clumping it together! I was worried because I had just had the color touched up! Luckily for me, I was able to get the stain out without loosing too much hair or ruining my color.
I put my hair in lots of tiny braids to create ripples and volume for the following day, but the guy I was trying to impress saw me with the goofy braids.
My worse hair day ever- getting out of bed to late to shower and wash hair- I didn't think it was so bad, I just had showered the day before and didn't smell!- unfortunately by mid-afternoon my hair by my scalp was starting to separate and looked oily. It was nasty by the end of the day. ICK
smithpatty at comcast dot net
A bad haircut does it every time for me.
I got a heated curling brush stuck in my hair...a salon had to cut it out and then attempt to even out my new very short hair-do!
My mother had this thing about hair in your eyes; it drove her insane. I wanted to grow out my bangs and my mother insisted that I pull them back with clips or wear a headband or she'd cut them herself. Well, I didn't listen and she took a pair of pinking shears to my bangs (couldn't find the regular scissors). I went off to school with the most uneven bangs you ever saw.
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
I love my perm now - but the first day I had it done it was like OMG what have I done!!!
The worst hair day was when I got a perm when my hair was growing out. It was too short to flow on the sides but long enough to get a good curl. Poodles followed me home.
My worst hair day is memorialized in a school picture, and I deny any responsibility. My mother insisted on perms in my hair, and that day I had stiff curls which looked horrible!
clynsg at yahoo.com
Getting my hair cut at a salon, and going home to realize that the whole side of my hair wasn't layered but the other was!
My worst hair day was the perm I got in the 80's that just fried my hair. My hair would just break off in pieces and was just a whole head of breaking frizz!!
My worst hair day was the time many years ago when a stylist decided to show me he could burn off my split ends by twisting the hair and burning the ends that stuck out with a match. He almost caught my hair on fire and I can't even begin to describe the smell!
I tried to cut my own hair. Never again.
I was 18 or so, and decided I needed to be blonde, so I bought a kit from the store to do it myself. Of course, my naturally medium brown hair turned into a horrid brassy orange! And it broke off on the top of my head. Now I'm an old lady, my hair is gray, and I like it that way! Thank you!
My worst hair day was after a home perm that was lefton too long. My hair was actually dissolving in places. The curl was so tight and it took forever to grow out. Never again..
I couldn't pick just one day! The entire period of 7th and 8th grade when I had an at-home perm and braces was the worst.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/redstar720/statuses/2777806978
back in the 80s, a perm gone bad :0)
My worst hair day was when my mom cut my hair all crooked. I have my school picture where it is sooo crooked its hysterical.
I had a worst hair 3 months - I wish it had been just a day. Had been going to the same hairdresser for years - loved my hair - it always looked so good.
Till one day she went nuts and gave me a mullet - MANY YEARS AFTER mullets were popular. I cried and cried and cried some more - there was nothing I could do, short of wearing a wig, to make my hair look decent. Thank goodness my hair grows fast!
Every school picture ever taken of me.
When I first started coloring those gray strands of hair, I just picked out a hair color close to my own. The fact that the color was Ash Brown or Golden Brown didn't register to me. I was at work one day when a friend (and co-worker) announced very loudly that my hair was green. Sure enough when I looked in the mirror, it WAS green. I immediately got some more color and redid it. I read up afterward on haircolors and found out that the Ash color will make your hair green.
When I tried to perm my hair straight, it was not pretty.
My worst hair day ever was one Easter Sunday when I was a kid, where we visited my Aunt and I leaned over her stove and caught the ends of my hair on fire!
Sun-In...need I say more!
During high school I thought it would be cute to have my hair in a bunch of tiny little braids (I've got long blonde hair and I have no idea what I was thinking!) So, when I got to school, I was feeling kinda silly about it and decided to take out all the little braids. Well, I have a very thick head of hair and I ended up with a big blonde poofy fro that lasted all day. Hahah! My boyfriend (husband now) had a good laugh, so all is well. For the most part, I just have my hair straight down, or in a pony tail, so there's not too many bad hair days for me. colorfulcarla@ gmail.com
My worst hair day was after I got a perm in junior high--my hair was crispy and frizzy, ugh! Thanks for the contest!
Any time that it is humid it is my worst hair day. My hair is different lengths due to it breaking easily and then it is naturally curly. So all the ends curl up and it makes me look like a frizz head.
My worst hair day was when I let a friend mangle my hair to show off her hair cutting skills.
I attempted to curl my hair and ended up with the rollers stuck in my hair instead!
My high School Pro, I had long hair and I was trying to make it curl (we did our own back then) and it wouldnt stay, I was so upset, I wouldnt let anyone take my picture.
My worst day ever was while getting ready for a party, I got the curling brush tangled in my hair, I had to cut it out and had this big chunk of hair missing from my hairstyle.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net
My worst hair day was when I tried cutting my own bangs and they ended up looking lopsided!
My worst hair day ever was when I dyed my hair blonde when I was a teenager! I'm olive skinned and it looked terrible! I will never again dye my own hair! God's blessings to all...
I guess my worst hair day was right after I'd gotten a perm. Visted my grandmother and saw the little girl who lived across the street from her, who had always been friendly to me. She ignored me until I said something. Then she said, Oh! I didn't recognize you with your big hair! Talk about self-conscious after that!
When my hair turned green after using a partially used bottle of hair color
When I got a perm. Worst mistake ever. Thanks.
My worst hair day was when I was maid of honor at a friends wedding. I had just gotten a perm and it did not look good. Unfortunately, there is a wedding album with several pictures of me and my hair.
My worst hair day was actually in high school. I had woken up late, showered and was about to miss the bus (this was dead of winter), so I ran outside, hair still sopping wet. My hair froze outside and was nothing but a mess for the rest of the day.
My worst hair day ever was when it was cut toooo short
Worst hair day ever was actually my worst hair year ever after I let a hair dreasser talk me into a perm for my naturally wavy hair telling me it would give me defined curls. My hair was a giant frizz bomb.
My worst hair day ever was when my grandmother decided my beautiful long Shirley Temple style curls were too much. She cut my hair into a "ducks ass" hair cut. I was horrified. I am queenesperfect at yahoo.com
My worst hair day was when I permed my hair and it was so frizzy.
P.S. I checked out the Blogher reviews.
My worst hair day ever was when a seagull flew over my head...well, you know the rest of the story! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hmm...mine is more like a bad hair era! Around my junior high years, my mother said I looked "cute" with short hair....and a perm! I looked like a Broccoli head! And to make it worse, I had glasses and braces. Ugh- I still get teased by my sisters, even though I haven't had short hair since then!
Thanks for the chance to win~
My first perm. My mom thought it would be cute for me to have ringlet type curls. The hair dresser over processed it and I did have some ringlet curls. They were stiff as a board and in danger of cracking right off my head. I also had a lot of bald spots where the hair came completely out of my scalp. Not to mention the chemical burns all around my face and neck.I think I was the only 10 year old who had to wear a wig to school,it was that bad.
It probably was one of those days when my bangs wouldn't lay flat and they were flying all over the place.
My worst hair day was probably the day after our wedding. We were on the road travelling, and weren't able to get a hotel room, slept in the car, and imagine wedding updo that was horribly like a rat's nest, it took a ton of conditioner and combing to get those tangles out!
My worst hairday was when I went to a stylist who wasn't familiar with perming my hairtype and left the product in my hair for too long. Needless to say that I had several places in my head that was burned and scarred. It did eventually grow back, but it took a while.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Elkaye/status/2788853396
My worst hair day ever was when my sister globbed too much highlight goop on my hair and it turned orange. I had to wear a scarf to the hair salon for an emergency fix. Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/sunnyview99/status/2788869893
I blogged: http://wut-givz.blogspot.com/2009/07/cursingmamas-pantene-full-thick.html
My worst hair day was definitely in elementary school is when another student put gum in my hair and my mother had to cut almost a 3rd of my hair to get it out! My mom is not a stylist by the way!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
My worst hair days are when my hair is oily.
My worst hair day ever was when my sister globbed too much highlight goop on my hair and it turned orange
My worst hair day ever affected my eyelashes rather than the main hair on my head. I was lighting a gas water heater not realizing the pilot had gone out. It went boom and melted my eyelashes. Worse, the burned hair smell was so awful, I had to trim the ends off and make them even shorter, about 1/4 inch long. I looked pretty strange until they grew back.
My worse day ever (or at least the one that I remember the most) was on my first date with my now husband. We worked in the same office and he had been talking to me for a couple weeks. He finally asked me to lunch one day..of course this is the day my hair was very flat (rainy day and it had gotten wet)....I felt bad but must not have mattered as he asked me out again.
sign me up
My worst day ever was the day I got my first perm. I could not do ANYTHING with it and I looked like a poodle!
My worst hair day ever... which actually was more like my worst hair TWO WEEKS - was when my mom convinced me to go bottle blonde the day before we left on a 2 week long family cruise... lets just say, I'm the one with the Ronald McDonald orange hair in all the pictures. Eesh...
Great giveaway!!!
Worst hair day
for me is when
a friend said
I would look
good with bangs.
My worst hair day was when I was younger I dyed my hair blonde and then tried to dye it back brown and It turned green on me. Had to wait awhile before the salon would fix it.
My worst hair day was when I had dyed it and missed a big spot on the back and had to have someone do it for me.
A few weeks before I had to take my senior pics in High School, I chemically straightened my hair at home. It melted my hair to the point where I had to get it cut down to 1 inch...where my roots were.
I actually have had several ties. The one I remember from high school is when I woke up late and didn't have time to shower. Someone at school asked me if my hair was wet. Yikes! I was so embarrassed!
My worst hair day (actually a bunch of them) was after my first - and only - salon perm. I was under the dryer for ages and my hair fell out in chunks during the comb-out. Fortunately my hair is thick and the bald spots could be camouflaged.
ladygeezer14 at yahoo dot com
I don't have worst hair "days" so much as "eras". Looking back at some previous pix of me, you'd understand. From the hairdo that looked like the mushroom cloud after a nuclear explosion to the long straight stuff that made my face look like a horse's. Thank goodness for the photographic reminders! NOT.
Probably when my Mom trimmed my bangs for my second grade picture. Pretty sad.
My worst hair day was when my mom decided, when I was 10, to "trim" my hair for the class picture ... I was completely humiliated by her handiwork!
Senior pictures. I was sporting what can only be described as a combo perm/mullet - short up front, longer, permed hair in back. Horrifying. Simply horrifying.
my worst hair day was when I had a friend put blond highlights in my dark brown hair it was blond on top and dark brown underneath it looked so bad I cried and hurt her feelings :(
when my hair dresser accidently shaved off a chunk of my hair a lot shorter than the rest! I got a free haircut though!
Twitterpated said: The generations bring hair changes for sure. The day my mom and may grandma came to see my baby, my mom asked me to bring him to grandma. I took him over to my grandma. Only my mom meant me to bring him to her. The new grandma!
Annie peggy8694@chilitech.net
I bleached my hair once and overdid it. It came out yellow and felt like straw. Thanks for the chance.
I went in to get the famous "Friends" Jennifer Anniston hair cut. My hair was less than an inch and a half long all over by the time I left and I was in tears. The stylist said she knew what she was doing but I looked like a guy with a shaggy mullet by the time I left there!
My parents would say it was the day I went to get my long hair cut. I was tired of having long hair and my parents would not allow me to cut my hair until I was 16. So I went to the hair salon and said I wanted the "duck tail" (this was before your time) which is really really short. Actually it didn't look as good as I thought it would, my parents threw a fit and I let it grow back out. (I now wear short hair but I like the casual style)
I think my first hair day ever was when I got an "affordable" haircut from a new stylist in college. She gave me a kind of female mullett... She wasn't really willing to change it once she was done (and I was upset and didn't want to offend her either) so I had to get my roommate to fix it later.
Money was tight and I was young. A teenager in fact. I decided I wanted to change my hair color from blonde to black. Trying to work with what was available I used men's black shoe polish. It worked all right, but the stench. My mother forced me to go to school as punishment. Actually, I snagged a new boyfriend. Go figure.
my worst hair day was today--caught in a drizzle and lots of wind--looked like a horror figure
In fifth grade, I had my hair cut short, like a boy. Then I decided to take hair gel and brush it all on one side...starting at one ear and going to the other. It looked hideous!
Thank you! :)
following you on twitter and tweeted Latest: just entered at http://bit.ly/vbAimless than 5 seconds ago
My worst hair day is when my I had my husband trim my bangs. It was a complete disaster.
When for Halloween I got purple wash out hair dye.. it would not come out of my very blond hair tho!!!
Tweet http://twitter.com/dlb1980/status/2811390461
It's fun reading all these crazy stories! My worst hair day is probably the day I tried bleaching my hair blonde-I kept it on until my hair turned white and when I was washing it off in the shower my hair was melting off in my hands as I was lathering with shampoo..it melted off to just above my ears and I cried for weeks! Those were dark days, it's amazing what an effect hair can have on one's morale.
tweet http://twitter.com/Jessilyn82/status/2811603889
Blogged: http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-cursingmamas-to-enter.html
The incident is legendary in our family and is burned in my psyche forever. I was in third grade and my mother decided she wanted to trim my hair. She was not a hairdresser and never had any kind of training whatsoever. She didn't seem to think that would be a problem, even though the drawer scissors were a little dull she figured what could go wrong? So she started on my beautiful thick below shoulder-length hair Oops...too short on one side. To even it up, she cut the other side. Oops...shorter than the side we started with...oops...well you get the picture. I ended up with a pixie cut only shorter. I was so very mortified. "The new boy at school"...OMG It took moving to another school to rid myself of that moniker!
I NEVER allowed my mother to touch anything on my body after that!
Worst hair day ever: Double date, standing outside deciding which car we were all going in. Then it happened. Yes. A bird flying overhead did the unthinkable on top of my head. I kid you not. I had to run into this guy's place and quickly wash my hair; there was no blow dryer around so we went out to eat with me having a wet head. And yes lots of laughs.
One of my worst days was when I was seventeen and dyed my light brown hair jet black with blue highlights. I'll probably have a nightmare about it tonight :)
I had to give a presentation for several parents and teachers at my childs school--I got a perm the day before--it looked nice when I left the shop--got up to hair sticking up all over my head. I could not tame the mess and had to wear a cap to cover up. Of course this also required a change of outfit--it was embarassing.
i was very young and had never had a perm before. we i got a perm and really didnt know how to take care of it. so i washed it and didnt put any conditioner on it and then i blow dryed it, oh my god i looked like the goddess moduse. my hair was all over my head and sticking up all over, well i cried until someone told me how to take care of it. thanks
I once put an ash blonde toner on my hair and it turned it a sick olive green color.
My worst hair day ever was when I tried to bleach it myself and it came out yellow. Going to work that first day with that bright yellow hair was horrendous. Then of course, I tried to fix it myself... oh boy. It was a few months before I was smart enough to get it professionally colored back to my original color, but for sure that first day after the dye job, was the worst.
I have curly hair. I blew it straight and was thrilled that it look fantastic. The next day we went to the shore, good old Atlantic City. My hair puffed up, out and everywhere like Jiffy Pop. All I had in my bag was rubberbands. So I pulled my Jiffy Pop hair back as best as I could.
My worst hair day was when my mom permed my hair in the 80s and it was way to tight - I could not do anything with it at all.
ehhogan at bellsouth.net
my worst hair day is when I wake up late and don't have time to do my hair - then I will put it back - and it's wavy which makes it stick out everywhere - so embarrsing!!
Worst Hair Day Ever for me. Was 3rd grade.. picture day.. My mom was in hospital having babe number 5.. Dad did our hair.. thats right the Army Sargent did all 3 of us girls hair for pictures. He had me sleep in rollers the night before.. My poor sis he cut hers.. sorry M3 but in her pic she resembles a boy with a bowl cut. Those curls of mine were huge and dippity doo'd big time.. which made them look greasy.. Oh my mom should of planned #5 better.. never have a baby on school pic day!
I can't really remember but only one time. I had long hair and wanted to get a ahir cut. My Mom had it cut with the poofs on the sides so I was called Princess Leah Puff head.
I was babysitting unruly children (my first and last time babysitting for this family) and ended up with gum in my hair. The children thought it was hilarious. I had long hair and had to get a pixie cut to remove the gum. I hated it.
Worse hair day when I was younger and on my way to a job interview. Drove 2 hrs got there and it was pouring - no way to get to the building without getting soaked - no umbrella - UGH! that was bad!
It was the 80's a time of big hair and few hair products. The only thing that worked on my hair in the 80's was hairspray and while I often used the HARD HOLD types of sprays due to my heavy thick hair I still had to use a lot of it. Normally I would have helmet hair but this was not the worst of it. This day some friends wanted to watch a boy they liked play soccer, it was raining. Now you may ask yourself if pouring rain has an effect on helmet head and I say emphatically YES. It was quite comical because as we stood there I literally saw globs of goo (it looked like glue) oozing off of my hair and besides looking like a drowned rat, I looked like a sticky oozy drowned rat. Not a good mix!
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