What makes up a CursingMama Not So Humble Book Review and what can you expect when asking me to read and review a book for you?
All of my reviews typically include the following information:
- Complete & Proper Title
- Author Credit
- Publisher Credit
- Genre
- Pages in my review copy
- Date the book went on sale
- A link to the Authors Website
- A link to the books listing on IndieBound
- Official Synopsis of the book
- My Review
- Disclosure stating what I received in exchange for reading and reviewing the book (review copy, payment, etc)
My reviews also include a picture that includes the cover art for the book and I sometimes include a “quick view” review. These quick reviews illustrate my personal feelings of the book in hearts & stars.
Stars for how well I liked the book:
- 1 Star - I finished it
- 2 Stars - I'll give this author another read
- 3 Stars - I liked it - what can I else add to my Shelves?
- 4 Starts - WOWZA! Excuse me while I run to the library to get more of this authors books!
Hearts for the heat level:
- 1 Heart - I am comfortable with my daughter reading the scenes about bumping into
- 2 Hearts - Maybe when she is in High School
- 3 Hearts - Oh MY! That child seriously needs to be married with children before I'm letting her read this.
- 3+ Hearts - Extra Spicy! My child should never even think about reading this book -
**Nothing is scientific here of course - and you may give your 13 year old daughter stuff I wouldn't give mine.
So, what happens to the books I’m not particularly fond of, how do I handle those? I don’t necessarily have a “No Bad Reviews” policy because that wouldn’t be honest, but I will admit that if I don’t like something I’m not going to pan it, but I’m also not going to review it either.
Somewhere along the line I mentioned that when I find a book I don’t care for I simply stop reading. I typically give a book at least twenty-five pages to interest me, this is more than enough time to feel a connection. If there is no connection or if I find the book unreadable (because this does happen) and it is a book I have received for review from an author, publisher, publicist or agent I will offer the book as a raffle without review.